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一个超写实的真实故事/A Surrealistic Real Story

'This is a true story. '




如果以现实的角度去思考,去看待这部片,其实我是很讨厌久美子的。29岁,一事无成,是一个还在做着基层工作的Office Lady。交流障碍,被人孤立,没有朋友,天天只会在家里不断的重播这《冰血暴》的录像带,沉浸在自己想象的世界里,一味的相信着电影里的宝藏是真实存在着的,为了宝藏偷东西。这种人放在现实生活当中,我是绝对瞧不起的。菊地凛子的演技还是不错的,把久美子的天真,愚昧,阴郁都表现的很好,可以说是这部电影除了画面之外最大的闪光点。虽然我一直都不太喜欢菊地凛子的脸,看的时候其实有些镜头也让我产生了些许厌恶感,但是后来想想,或许这就是导演要表达给观众的吧。不年轻的脸做出的天真无邪的表情多少让人觉得有些弱智,久美子的各种行为也体现出了她不是正常人。看完我才觉得,我并不是讨厌这里面菊地凛子的脸,是讨厌久美子这个人物罢了。




在看到这个场景的时候,我立马就想到了Joseph Beuys的"I Like American and American Likes Me'。不知道导演是否有意参考Beuys,这个场景出现的挺突然的。虽然Beuys的这个作品的意义跟本片并无相似之处,但是有趣的是,Beuys曾经说自己参加空军,被敌方击落,战友惨死的情况下,幸运的被当地的鞑靼人救了回来,并靠动物油脂、奶制品和毛毯恢复了健康,从而有只,奶制品,和毛毯成了Beuys作品中重要的一部分。对这个事件的真实性,一直是富有争议的。所以也没人能够确定这到底是不是一个真实的故事,还是只是Beuys自己幻想出来的一个场景。

Whether it is a true story, it does not matter anymore. 




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'This is a true story'.

This sentence, which appeared at the start of the movie, is the main idea the through out the whole story. It traps the girl, as well as us, the audience. Ironically, the ‘true’ story that Kumiko believe in is actually a fiction, it was a joke by Coen brothers.

I think it is not a realistic movie. There are too many illogical and exaggerated elements inside the film. It will be more enjoyable if you watched it in the way of surrealistic. Kumiko is like a combination of our lonely personalities. She is the representation of solitude. There is a slightly difference between loneliness and solitude, but I believe what Kumiko was experiencing are both loneliness and solitude. The story is simple, but the emotions are complicated. It is just a story about a girl wants to search for a fictional treasure that she found in the movie, ‘Frago’. During the process of searching for the treasure, Kumiko experienced different kind of emotions, but her believe never changed. Almost each of us has the similar experience as Kumiko in our life. However, Kumiko’s behaviour and emotional expression are exaggerated by the director. I think some parts in the movie Kumiko’s characteristic became too extreme and it makes the audience har to related it to themselves. But at the same time, I believe that was what the director want to show to the audience as well. 

If I saw this movie as a real story, I will not like Kumiko at all. She is 29 years old, still working as the Office Lady that did the most basic work in the company. She has no friends, refused to talk and get along with others, the only thing she cares about is the fictional treasure in the movie. Playing and replaying ‘Frago’ day and night, she traps herself in her imaging world. Moreover, she stole the map, spitting in her boss’s tea, ran away from the lady who treated her as a friend, everything she did is just weird, and abnormal. Rinko Kikuchi is a good actress, she totally showed a native, foolish, depressed girl in front of us. Although Kikuchi’s face is always not my type, I have to say she really shaped the character well. When you see a childish, native expression showed on a adult’s face who is no longer young, you might feel this person is either intellectual disability or this person is weird. It is obvious that Kumiko is abnormal. And the director is not going to show us a girl that everybody will like. Hence, in the end, I realised it is not I do not like Kikuchi’s face, is I just do not like Kumiko, this person, in the way of realistic. 

There are too many illogical scenes, such as the first scene at the beach, who put the videotape there? How Kumiko first found out about ‘Frago’? What does she want to do after she found the treasure? Everybody else in the movie is just too normal compared to Kumiko, they tried to stop her, but failed, and even makes she became more insisted on her believe. She is like live in a world that totally different from us. They are not in the same channel at all. They could not communicate, they do not listen to each other. Well, after all I told myself, let it go, just saw this as a surrealistic movie. Nothing is impossible. In fact, the idea of ‘looking for a treasure’, ‘treasure hunter’, and the costume of Kumiko which looks like the Little Red Riding Hood, all of these sounds like the elements will appeared in the fairy tales. ‘A girl wants to look for a treasure that only appeared in the legend and pay no attention to her normal life, finally went through numerous difficulties and found the treasures.’ Isn’t that a perfect fairy tale story? And I guess the meaning is to teach children be brave and insisted on their faith. 

Well, although the girl was died in the snow forest in the end. 

One of the most impressive parts of the movie for me, is the scene when Kumiko walked into the forest, and the wolf came over, and wanted to shred the blanket that Kumiko wore. I immediately related to Joseph Beuys’ ‘I Like America and America Likes Me’ when I saw that scene. I have no idea whether the director has referred to Beuys, but the scene appeared quire sudden. Although the idea of Beuys’ work is no related to the movie, it is interesting because Beuys used to fashion the myth that he was rescued from the crash by nomadic Tatar tribesmen, who had wrapped his broken body in animal fat and felt and nursed him back to health, which nobody knows whether it was a truth or not. 

Whether it is a true story, it does not matter anymore. Because every single work contained imagination.

I was so satisfied by the aesthetic of the whole movie, especially the last few scenes that when Kumiko finally found her treasure. Her red hood was so obvious in the white snow, and it makes the picture looks so pretty. The first half part of the movie which shoot in Tokyo is depressing deep in, Kumiko is lonely. But when she came to the new world, the scenes changed from the crowded city life to the empty American highway, which I feel like it physicallized the solitude, but Kumiko does not look as depress as what she showed in Tokyo. All the way until the nice policeman told her everything she believed in is fake, there is no treasure, it is just a fictional movie. Kumiko could not accept, because that treasure she believe in is no longer a box of money. She had to insisted on her believe, as it already became her faith. 

Kumiko died in the end. However, I think it might be the best ending for her, because she finally found her treasure after her death. 


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